From a Failed Nightclub Owner To The Action Man of STR and Airbnb

A life-changing phone call


There I was, sitting on my couch, a broke and failed nightclub owner, with a terrible pounding headache from last night’s hangover. I cried my brains out and got super drunk as I was kicked out of my very first business venture that got all screwed up because of a failed business partnership. 

Several years back, I was getting tons of success as a nightclub promoter. I loved talking with people and they loved me back. After seven years of doing so, I decided to invest all my money and savings to open up my very own nightclub.

I was 29, I thought that I made the right choice. After all, my dream was to build my own business as a means to provide more for my family. But when the business partnership went bad, I was left unprotected by any insurance whatsoever and I went home penniless. 

When I woke up the next day, I felt so terrible that I thought I was going to die! But all hope did not leave me. I knew I needed to make a decision. I needed to search for that one thing that can change my life forever. And it came to me through a phone call!

My eyes were opened in real estate

“You should come over, George!” my friend said on the other line. Without even asking why, I drove for four hours and with a few others, we listened to my friend speak. 

He literally opened my eyes with so much possibility in real estate!

This friend taught us about what it takes to build a business, what real real estate was and why we should get into it. Then he talked about perseverance and problem-solving. He encouraged and assured us that we could do it if we put our plans in place, seek some capital, and take action.

I was in awe. I thought, “This is awesome!” I went home a different person.

I freed myself 

The next day, I woke up with life-changing realizations that helped me jumpstart my career in real estate.

First, I realized that my parents did what they can to be the best parents they can be to us. 

Next, I realized that I built my dream of creating my own business for the wrong reasons. I don’t need to be the best provider that Dad never was to us. I only had to work hard to become what I wanted to become. 

So I forgave myself and my Dad. Then I let go of the guilt of not being accomplished enough, of not being a good provider. That’s when I felt so free!

Finally, I thought, “Now, I can become a real estate investor without anything holding me back! It doesn't matter what my past experiences were or whether I was inexperienced in real estate. The 'why' of my goal has been established and this fuels me to strive further.”

I took a deep dive in STR and Airbnb

It took me four months to close my very first real estate deal and it gave me the best feeling ever!

I fixed the property and 110 days later, earned more out of it. I realized the potential of real estate, of what you can do w/o having even $2k in your pocket. Then I found out about wholesale and earned from my first wholesale deals.

I made another life-changing decision- to niche down from the broad real estate to STR and Airbnbs.

Whatever money I earned, I invested it further to my Airbnbs, so I got 2 Airbnbs then 10, then 16 more! I kept on compounding.

Three years later, I’ve gotten 45+ rentals in a relatively short span of time!

What I want YOU to know

Real estate is broad and currently, a red hot ocean filled with competition and tons of coaches out there willing to teach you how to fast track your portfolio. 

You may choose them or you may choose me- it doesn’t really matter.

What I want you to know before you leave this page is that if you work hard to determine through study and passion, what road you truly want to track in this real estate journey, you can absolutely turn your life around.

You have the power!

If a mere nightclub promoter such as myself were able to do it, so can YOU!